Core Essential Values Store

Our Monthly Values

Get everyone on the same page with a common language of monthly Big Ideas.

 VIEW THE 2024-2025 VALUES


Our “core essentials” are the 30 value words (or Big Ideas) that we rotate every three years. They all point back to our Big 3:

TREATING OTHERS RIGHT is about our relationships with others, including the SEL competencies of social awareness and relationship skills.

MAKING SMART DECISIONS is about learning to make choices that incorporate many factors, as is age appropriate. It involves learning how to evaluate, identify problems, being aware of personal safety and ethical standards.

MAXIMIZING YOUR POTENTIAL incorporates self-awareness and self-management, and emphasizes long and short-term goals, where age appropriate.

And here’s the thing about these Big Ideas – just as much as they matter, so do the attached descriptions (call them an application or definition).

Rotating every 3 years, our Big Ideas highlight many of the skills and character traits needed for academic and social growth both in the present and in and child’s future.

We use the SAME Big Idea value word at each age level each month – we just talk about them in different ways for the appropriate developmental stages. So across your school or district, all students, families, and staff will focus on the same Big Idea at the same time.

VIEW OUR 2022-2023 VALUES!